Coming Back East


New member
Okay not for good, but I will be back at NHIS in July for the Pig Roast Dbl. I will either be driving my brothers EP 2002 or coming to watch. If I am not driving anyone have room on their crew for a displaced NER member living in AZ. Also is there a test day the Thursday before the race? I figure it would be good to get some laps in so I can remember which way the track goes. Also does anyone know if they will be running both courses or Just the North Chicane course.

Sam Rolfe
TBR Motorsports
#85 ITC VW Rabbit being converted to LPHP
#85 GP Scirocco
I got you covered.

Just remind me when it gets closer as I suffer from CRS lately.

Last year they did have test days every Thursday (Except for Nascar Thursdays) but I have not seen anything listed for this year ….Yet. BUT there is still a bunch of snow on the ground here.
as for which couse they will be running?
I cant help you there.

Matt Bal
Not planning to at the moment but if people are offering to pay I could be talked into it. I made a trip back to VA last year, AZ to VA and back in 4 1/2 days. If anyone finds one out here and wanst it delivered let me know.

Sam Rolfe
TBR Motorsports
#85 ITC VW Rabbit being converted to LPHP
#85 GP Scirocco