Compression Check? 13B


New member
Ok Time to start work for next year <_< Can we use a convential Compression check Gauge ( and what procedure) or should I see if our Mazda USA dealer has the factory tester and then get them to do. Haven't had much luck with them. Thanks TW
The factory tool is very cool. It lists the cranking speed, and the compression for the 3 chambers. Simple and accurate.

The other method is to use a normal guage, disable the hold feature, and have someone crank while watching. It will ulse to three different levels, then repeat.

Less accurate, and certainly more difficult to read.

Maybe find the Mazda tool, use it the first time, and do the other method, to compare. Then in the future you can use a standard tool, to get an idea of things, and determine if you need the more accurate tool.

I think there are some posters here who own one, and perhaps you could rent it from them, using UPS.
Don't bother with the regular guage method. It's useful for finding out if you have a completely blown seal but is way too inaccurate to determin if a motor is just getting a bit weak due to compression loss. I just did a motor for a guy who had his tested with a standard guage. They told him it was good. Couple of races later he overheated the motor and wasted an oil seal O-ring. When we tore the motor down two of the side seals were junk. Not enough to show on the test performed by the other tester but enough to have the owner tell me that the motor had never felt stronger then at the next race. If you are in the Rochester NY area look me up or find me at a race I usally have my factory tester with me.
Hey John, you and I need to talk soon. Your engine is still going strong but must be getting a little tired by now.

I need to run some ideas for fueling by you and also consider a "refresh" on the motor. Never had a single problem with the motor that I didn't cause by "improving" stuff that works ok already.

I do have the proper rotary comppress tester and will run a check once I unload and clean up the car from the ARRC.

I do seem to be down on power and regularly get pulled out of turn 7 but I do make up some by the braking point for 10a so mabe some fueling fine tuning and a refresh and I can focus on momentum and corner speeds.

I'll call you.

ITS 19
Sounds good Travers, Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sounds good Travers, Looking forward to hearing from you.