Crash video, and not from the lab.


New member
Perhaps it is because I am in Dearborn at the SAE's Motorsports Engineering Conference, attending every safety session I can find, that I'm a bit hypersensitive to the subject of safety. We've seen a trainload of crash videos and it's only day two. It is amazing just how violent a typical crash is. Also impressive is how much progres has been made in driver safety in such a short period of time.

While checking my e-mail I found a link someone sent me to another crash video--a real one--which I have posted below.

I don't believe that scaring people is the right way to convince drivers to make themselves safer. However, sometimes we all need a reminder of just how fast things can go wrong.

No need for discussion. There is nothing one can say.

Please, get the best safety gear you can reasonably afford. And practice bailing out.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Wow, that's an insane crash!

Sounds like a really interesting conference, Gregg. Too bad I couldn't/didn't go to it.
Wow! At first I thought, "So? no big deal..." Then the other car came into view. And they walked away? Hard to believe the driver of the second car was uninjured....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Yeah, I don't see any proof or indication that the driver of the red car walked away...

If not, this is one of these crashes that no amount of safety gear can possible save you. And, if he/she did walk away from the red car, it was purely due to their number just not being punched.

Don't infer this to mean I don't agree with your premise, Gregg, but s**t happens and you can only prepare for it so much...
Originally posted by R2 Racing:
Wow, that's an insane crash!

Sounds like a really interesting conference, Gregg. Too bad I couldn't/didn't go to it.


You can still make it. It's just up the road.

Originally posted by GregAmy:
Don't infer this to mean I don't agree with your premise, Gregg, but s**t happens and you can only prepare for it so much...

Got it.

As they say, it (insert safety product here) will increase one's probability of survival, but it will not make one immortal.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
That clip also makes a great case AGAINST really high-powered cars with what amount to IT levels of safety equipment. Looking at the field it almost looks like a vintage GT race, with 935s and similar stuff.

this clip was posted a while back on the BMW club racing mailing list. Apparently the driver of car that caught fire successfully sued the track and the promoter of the race. technical details were sparse. The crash was actually several years ago.
Any thoughts on why the red car was so totally engulfed in fire? What kind of car is that and where is the fuel tank/cell? As you know, a 911 driver was killed at Topeka this year when his front fuel cell exploded in a frontal crash. So, my first thought here was that the fire was a result of the Porsche's tank/cell blowing. But that fire in the red car is so fierce and persistent that it seems to be fuel-fed. With all the deserved emphasis on H&N protection, let's not forget that there are worse ways to go than a quick and painless broken neck.

Bill Denton
87/89 ITS RX-7
02 Audi TT225QC
95 Tahoe
Thanks Bob. Interesting article, for several reasons.

It's a Ferrari Bill. The article Bob references doesn't mention the model.


[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited December 02, 2004).]
WOW! The article sez the Guy was in that inferno for 90 SECONDS before being pulled out. Gotta get me one of his Firesuits!!
Amazing part was this was in 98 and they didn't have any fire/rescue crew. The link at the bottom is more footage showing just how pathetic the response was, reminds me of old F1 footage of their horrific accidents. At least they got the fire out.
Not sure when a medic gets on the scene.

Site is a german site that you gotta wait 15 seconds before the link goes active, tonight I did 15M at about 155KB/sec.

Lance Snyder
Atlanta Region F&C

No more the small one, the weak one, the frightened one.
Running from beatings, deflating.
I'm becoming more than a man. More than you ever were.
Driven and burning to rise beyond Jesus.
That is one of the worst wrecks I've ever seen.

Somebody let me know what the best fire prevention system is out there. I'm moving up to a 600HP Z06 this season and that clip makes me even more concerned about fire.

#33 ITS RX7
BigSpeed Racing
[email protected]