Crazy Mid-Ohio Narrated Lap Video


New member
I remeber there was a video of a lap at Mid-Ohio, where several guys just goofing off. But I can't seem to find it. Anyone remember it and got a link?

Google videos for "AJ Nealy and Greg Amy at Mid-Ohio"

I can't seem to find the URL to copy paste with my phone.

I think it was a combo of a narration by AJ at a campfire matched with an in car of Greg.
[ame=""]AJ (and Greg) Doing a Lap of VIR[/ame]

[ame=""]AJ Nealy and Greg Amy at Mid-Ohio[/ame]
He's around, not actively racing right now as far as I know. He started a repair shop business which I'm sure is keeping him quite occupied...and he's getting (gotten?) married...
Currently awaiting the re-beginning* of the racing season...


*It was at Sebring in January, but had to go back into Northeast hibernation...
i was wearing my AJ Nealey Racing hat in a Tech (?) line at the Runoffs last year and someone asked me if I knew Greg Amy....

they knew the connection because of the "weak sauce" hat that Greg had....