DC Region PDX/Club Trials Oct 31-Nov 1


Super Moderator
Just wanted to make sure everyone knew about this - might make a nice early Christmas gift for a loved one. PDX both days, Club Trials on Sunday, all on the full Shenandoah Circuit. I heard something about a Halloween party too - rumor has it Matthew Yip will be coming as a hula dancer, but that's just a rumor...so please don't let that stop you from signing up :D

Also remember, the DC Region has the "work 3, get one free" deal going on for workers, so if nothing else come on out and wave a flag (or at least stand there holding one) or help out in some other way, and earn credit toward a free PDX. If I'm not mistaken free days are transferable to friends or family (or me, if you have neither of those).

More info on the DC website here.