... this is a whole new level of preparation for modern computer controlled cars than older carbureted cars do not get. What next? All F/I cars have to run penalty weight so the carbureted cars can keep up?
, [/b]
Why? They already do. The process already includes gains from the assumed ECU change.
Some have been able to attain it, either because of cool in the box solutions, others have not. Others can not for all the minnows in the oceans.
And, lets keep in mind the future. Currently lots of cars go into limp, or semi limp modes when certain sensors are disabled. Rev limits occur on certain cars when the ABS sensors are disconnected. The ABS rule was recently rewritten as a workaround for this, but the writing is on the wall. The ECu will be extending it's tenticles into more and more areas of the car, hindering the ability to make a car
"suitable for racing competition".
I suggest that this proposal will actually become
.".useful and necessary to construct a safe race car."
Lets keep in mind the short history on this:
1- ITAC discusses ECU issue, and surveys membership with 3 options:
- Stay the same
- ECUs and reflashes
- Open ECUs
Result: Stay the same got 1% of the vote, Open, something over 66%. Most response in the history of IT member responses, I think.
2- CRB requests a second membership feeedback, this time eliminating the vastly unpopular "Stay the same". Not surprisingly, the addition of that vote didn't swing the tally much.
3- ITAC confers, and agrees with the membership proposes the Open option to the CRB.
4 -CRB takes ITACs open ECU proposal, confers, and supports it.
5- BoD will vote on the proposal.
If the BoD turns it down, we will face '08 with the memberships least favorite option: stay the same.