Evan: Please tell me you are being sarcastic. I realize that there are folks out there that would use that kind of an excuse.
"Know all of your part numbers (oem). This is key to running a relic in IT."
Fortunately, my car came with a complete set of every part that Chrysler used in 1984.
"Search the Internet: motorplace.com/ partsvoice.com"
Will have to try those sites. BTW, what do you do if you are not computer literate? I know of a couple of drivers who will not touch a computer!
"Get to know your local dealers; see if they will run obsolete inventory part searches for you."
That's what I did when it started looking bad for getting my shift linkage back. Local dealer could only come up with what might be wear items (plastic bushings, etc) no major components. They did locate a shift tube, but when I opened it up yesterday, there are welds on it that look like they were made by a drunk monkey, definitely not manufacturer quality!
"Diligently search ebay daily for your category."
I am lucky in one respect. When I bought my car, it came with two complete engines, three blocks, two transmissions cases, and more boxes of parts than I had room to store. Being a Charger, the non-performance parts seem to be plentyful. Just some parts are hard to find.
BTW, Mid-Ohio was a blast! Got into two races, one DNF due to ignition and fuel issues, but was able to get enough laps in the second to qualify as a finish. Now to work on the carb.
Thanks for the help.