Do you know how your money is spent?


New member

Steve Johnson has sent me your email requesting detailed Runoffs and
convention expenses.

Theses financial details are not disclosable to the membership because
such detail is confidential. The Board of Directors, its Budget and
Finance Committe and Treasurer have examined these and other major
expenses of the club and found them acceptable. They have also been
reviewed by the SCCA's independent public accountant.

Our financial reporting has fully complied with the SCCA By Laws and
Operations Manual.

Bill [Weston]

Why aren't they disclosable? What are they hiding? What do they not want us to see? Guess we'll never know. I'm going to think a little more everytime I pay an entry fee... or for a GCR that I'm now required to buy as they send out FREE ones to officials.
Matt, I enjoy you one on one as a racing person. May I make a suggestion to you. Please don't spread your dislike/anger about items there is very little you can do to improve. You started with this very same thread on the Production site & sit back & enjoyed the crap added by others with negative attitudes. On the other hand why don't you serve all the SCCA members some good by picking ONE of the many SCCA issues that you are disgruntled about & make a change.

Happy Newyear

I thought this comment from Matt at the prod site was priceless:

"So if you found out that your entry fees were being used to pay for a stripper named Diamond doing lap dances for a BoD member you'd be ok with that?"

At least my entry fees went to a really good cause!! Was she cute?

Merry Christmas
To be honest, I am a lot more concerned with funds at the local level rather than the Runoffs and the Convention. And my concern at the local level is not where it's going. I see that on a regular basis, as can any other member by attending a meeting. My concern is the on-going health of our local programs. And that requires that interested members get involved and work as part of the region leadership to make things better.

Let's face it, racing is the easy part of the SCCA. Show up, pay your money and have fun. The hard part is working to make that opprotunity happen.

Spec RX7 #11
Scottsdale AZ
I'm going to agree with Mr Dewhurst here.

Matt, pick a cause, work within the system, change the system, do some good.
Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited December 27, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by lateapex911 (edited December 27, 2004).]
Officials at the least should get free GCR's, if you want one for free then volunteer your time to be an official. Also we as members will have to pay for ours anyhow at some point... should SCCA just increase membership to all (even our crew) so that we don't have to pay later??? Should we also group into that the Solo rules, and pro rules and all of the rest of the rulebooks and what not the is produced? I am sure in an effort to keep our basic membership dues down they seperate out the GCR and other odds and ends that not every member wants/needs...

As far as not anouncing to the world the cost of the Runoffs and the convention... why do you care??? If you volunteer a lot of time to SCCA, then I am sure you would know someone who would know the answer to your question. All information should be on a need to know basis, and if you need to know then you need to be more involved.

I think the replys say it all, but I will also throw in my 2 cents. Talk is cheap, or as our race team calls it, "spinning and going no where. Quit the b**ching and actually do something if you are that concerned.
Free GCRs? I think their membership dues should also be taken care of. It would be a bit disappoinging if officials had to pay for a GCR to that is going to be used to put on our events.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
So, why is it that Mattberg only ever shows up to b!7ch about something? Doesn't he enjoy talking about his racing in a friendly manner?

When is that new site upgrade coming? I have someone I'd like to add to my "Ignore" list...

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com

It is not probably so much of "won't" but "don't want to bother" when it comes to disclosing that information. It is probably not tallied up on some nice extension sheet that itemizes each pile of money. Anything they have on it will just raise more questions. Is there anything "secret" in there, no. Having been an estimator for a while, having an outsider ask you to justify why you threw a pile of money at something is nothing short of useless & frustrating, the explanation rarely satifies the question because there is no good answer.

Being a non-profit organization (hence the .org on the web site) the tax returns are public. Pour through that, when you are done, come on back w/ another post, by then it will be racing season & there will be better things to talk about.
I am never prouder of the reasonableness of this forum than when Matt drops in and gets no traction.
dick patullo
Yes, as a Steward I get a free GCR. But to become a Steward I first had to train as a SIT for 2 years, a total of 14 race weekends, and 31 work days at races. I don't feel guilty accepting the free GCR.