Do you read the supps?


New member
I am so anxious to start racing again that I'm reading the supplimental regulations for next months race at Sebring and the cage is still being put in the car. :P
Take a look at this:
See if you can find the Easter egg.

The CFR will probally hate me for doing this.
They probally want to see how many people actually read the supps.
Our region (Milwaukee) tried something like that a few years ago. One of the lines buried right in the middle of the supps read something like "mention purple long-johns to the registrar and get an extra free guest/crew pass".

The registrar indicated that very, very few people took advantage of the gimic.
All those people changing clothes should be a hoot!

Oh, and yes - I read supps. Always have, and it's one of the first questions you may be asked in a Steward's action (usually involving a supps violation).

They didn't have to wear purple long johns. All they had to do was say the words 'purple long johns' to the register. Kinda like a secret password.

What was really funny was that the chief registrar had stapled a pair of purple long johns on the wall behind the registrars counter in plain sight of the drivers and crew to act as a reminder. Heck, even if they hadn't read the supps if they had just said something like "what's up with the purple long johns?" when they registered, they would have gotten an extra pass.

Kind of reminds me of a teacher that I had years ago who handed out a written exam and said "please be sure to read the whole test before you start to write in your answers". Scattered through out the exam were weird instructions like "stand up and bark like a dog" or "tap your pencil on your desk loudly 100 times".

Then you got to the last 'question' on the test that instructed you to cross off and disregard all of the 'gag' instructions. Needless to say, it was pretty obvious when somebody didn't follow the teachers first instruction.
I read them for every event that I take part in. It is simply amazing the amount of information in them.
What is even more amazing is how many people don't read them. You can usually tell at the drivers meeting who did NOT read the supps. This was especially apparent at the 2005 Charge of the Headlight Brigade 13 Hour @VIR.

I advise my students when I instruct at drivers school to read the supps for every event. Some of the actually listen.

My advice, and worth exactly what it just cost you ($0.00).

"dangerous" dave parker
Originally posted by Greg Gauper@Jan 13 2006, 01:45 PM

They didn't have to wear purple long johns.  All they had to do was say the words 'purple long johns' to the register.  Kinda like a secret password.

Oh - and I though you meant the less obvious one. ;) (Hint: read the part about attire in the hot pit and grid.)
Now all you people that "don't have time" to read the supps, don't get me started :bash_1_: As a registrar that has written supps and worked the windows for the last three years I continue to be amazed at the general lacadasical attitued that most drivers have toward the supps. There is a great deal if necessary information in the supps, and it is each person's responsibility to be familiar with the document: that includes crew!!! Please, take 5 minutes and read the supps: prehaps next registration you won't be surprised by a $100.00 late registration fee :o Chuck