Driver's School car checklist


New member
I pick up the 84 rabbit on Sunday. The car is RTR, but what should I double check before hitting the track? What are the most common issues a race car can have? I know this is a tough question because it's different for every car. I just don't want to blow the weekend because of something stupid that could have been avoided. I have til the end of Oct. and I want to get to know the car anyway. It ran at NHIS earlier this season. Any suggestions?

One big advantage you have is the car you bought was prepared very well. Flush the brake fluid, ensure that you have plenty of brake pad material left in the front and rear, change the engine oil, might as well change the tranny oil, and check to see that none of the brake lights have burnt out.

Is you log book updated for this year? If not, get that taken care of before the school.
As Dave said, get your annual done as soon as possible. If the logbook is current, you should be set to go. If not, then check the dates on the belts, check the cage (double passenger door bars), window net (drop down, not up), battery and kill switch terminals must be covered.

That's all I can come up with off the top of my head.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll check everything when I get it back to VA. I can hardly wait to pick up the new toy. It had it's annual and everything is up to date. Travis said I should probably put new brakes on it, but it wasn't an issue because he never used them. :P

Dave great book, I'm really enjoying it!
It is not fun to loose a rear wheel or have the drive shaft slip out in the front.

Make sure you fit in the seat and can get belted in properly (usually a problem when borrowing a car).
Make sure the front axle nuts are tight.
Check the rear drums for signs of wear or cracks from age or overtightening.

Look at you CV boots for cracks. Replace them if the are cracked or damaged.

Make sure your shift linkage is not too sloppy. You can get replacements for all the plastic/rubber pieces pretty cheap.

Check simple things that will get you black flagged at a school:
--Brake lights
--Leaks of any kind
--Any loose or flapping items
--Tow hook

Great car, just jump in and race!!!! Travis would have told you anything that needed replacing :)

Good Luck, enjoy the car... Don't go to fast to quick, take your time and with that car you will be at the front soon enough!!!

Check rear bearings.....Or replace if it wasn't done this year. They're a common wear item on those cars. Also, as others have said, tighten the front axle nuts....Not to what the spec is but however tight you can get them with a 3' to 6' breaker bar!