**Driving Impressions Winter Retreat Event - Dec 13

Driving Impressions Winter retreat December 13th at our Dover, NJ location.

Robert Zecca brought back a bunch of stuff from his store at Lime Rock Park and its all on sale. Alpine and Momo Suits, Alpine and Momo Gloves, Zamp helemts, etc.

Rutgers Formula SAE will be displaying their car at the event!


Paul Miller Porsche will be having on Display the new 911 featuring the twin-clutch gearbox!


Grand Prix NY will also be donating Free Race Coupons!


The event sponsor list is growing.

MIke Trueba at Auto Chic is donating a Custom Auto Chic Cotton/Poly Car Cover to be raffled off.

MPT Industries will also be donating an MPT Twelve Lubricant kit (1/2 ounce pen oiler, ¼ ounce precision oiler, and 4 ounce pump spray) to be included in the raffle!
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