Driving NHIS


New member
This past weekend was the first at NHIS with Hoosiers. Coming out of turn 3, up the hill and coming out of 10 (where the GTis are very unstable) I am getting a lot of wheel spin. It's not from too much power :rolleyes: and I do have a Quaife.

I'm wondering if it is a matter of getting used to the Hoosiers (with the Kumho's the car would push to the track-out point quickly so I would have to have the wheels cranked way over).

It's like a drag start, do I just keep my foot on the gas and let the wheels spin or do I back off, let them grip, and get back on it?

Switching to another limited slip is not a solution at the moment.......
Sounds to me like you took the wrong line.

Early apex and wide out would be my suggestion.

But of coarse I am sure there will be critics....
Sounds like you need to either adjust your line, or do some suspension tuning. With the Hoosiers, you're probaly getting a lot more grip than you used to. I imagine that it's loading up the outside quite a bit, and you could be picking up the inside front. Even w/ a Quaife, an unloaded wheel will spin.

I had the same problem w/ my old ITB Rabbit GTI. Even w/ the Quaife, I was getting wheelspin in the carousel at Summit Point. Then, somebody got a shot of my car, at the 2nd apex, up on 2 wheels! :o
the track was wet this past weekend, and I was spinning too. But I usually don't, since I got a Quaiffe LSD. I would say keep your foot on the gas even though you have some spin. Wide out left going up the hill is better than trying to reign it in along the right side of the track. In addition, I would say try taking some different lines and see what works best. Of course if you're racing someone in turn 3, options are limited. :D

Jeff you got your first Podium finish this weekend, don’t worry about a little wheel spin.

Matt bal
Knowing nothing about front wheel drive I'll venture out here.

My rear wheel drive experience has shown me that softening up the rear sway bar and taking a line that allows you to run as far out as possible has helped me get through turn 3 w/ an open diff.
Originally posted by JLawton@Sep 2 2005, 06:13 PM
This past weekend was the first at NHIS with Hoosiers.  Coming out of turn 3, up the hill and coming out of 10 (where the GTis are very unstable) I am getting a lot of wheel spin.  It's not from too much power  :rolleyes: and I do have a Quaife. 

I'm wondering if it is a matter of getting used to the Hoosiers (with the Kumho's the car would push to the track-out point quickly so I would have to have the wheels cranked way over).

It's like a drag start, do I just keep my foot on the gas and let the wheels spin or do I back off, let them grip, and get back on it?

Switching to another limited slip is not a solution at the moment.......

The Quaife, like the Torsen, it an integral gear differential. As such, it is not a locking differential, but a torque multiplying differential. That is, it tansfers three times the torque of the wheel with less grip to the wheel with the most grip. If your inside wheel is in the air, the Quaife transfers threes times zero torque to the outside wheel. In other words, the Quaife will not help you unless you have the inside wheel doing some work.

Jeff, with the increased grip you're transferring more weight to the outside. I suspect you're now running into too much roll coupling in the front. I don't recall what spring rate and/or swaybar you've got up front, but it's probably time to start thinking about softening up the front or finding a spring/clutch-type differential (that's what I run). - GA
Thanks for the feedback. Plenty of info to think about!!

Originally posted by 67ITB@Sep 2 2005, 04:10 PM
Jeff you got your first Podium finish this weekend, don’t worry about a little wheel spin.

Matt bal

Are you saying I should be happy with third?? :D

Hey Jeff,
What about just welding the diff. and trying that? Works great on my ITC Rabbit. Since you are runnning an ITB car it shouldn't be that big of a difference ,power wise. I have broke one half shaft in 4 years,(knock on wood),and that is because i wasn't paying attention driving in the pit lane. Makes sence to me to have both wheels putting power down to the track. It should make the 1.8 GTI fly. IMO.

ITC Rabbit 05