I tried to do this for the NARRC Runoffs. I had a supplier, but he thought transportation was difficult. We could have worked that out though.
The Region (NYR) was cooperative with the idea.
But the track never returned calls about it, and they might have issues, as you'll be doing it for money. You'll have to convince them that you're not operating it to take in money, or they may decide to exclude you, or to charge a fee, or a cut of the proceeds.
I would think that many would love to do some pulls to answer the "big question" and they'd want to do it on the same machine as others.
But, it's not a great time to do tuning runs, as time can be short at the track.
And others will avoid you as they wish to be secretive.
Finally, the track might have issues, (sounds silly, but you never know) with noise, and may restrict the use to certain blocks of time, ot only to when cars are actually on track.
Of course, it will vary from track to track, but I think you should approach the region firsat to get the approval, and the name of a track contact, and then seek the tracks blessings.
I like the idea, and think we could do sme cool things with it. It's a great device.