ECC Scam


New member
I know there is a fine line between slander and personal experience but here goes. east coast creations in Brentwood NH are hacks. They had my ITS 1993 Probe GT for 2 months to get the motor running...(alternator, pulley tensioner). CV joint, rack & pinion and some other small stuff. 2 didnt get done. All I ever got was excuses and reasons why they couldnt find parts meanwhile i get on line and in 2 weeks I can have all parts in hand. Now that the car wont be ready for tech or the NHIS school I have to use Buddys #58 ITA escort. These guys are morons and I'm actually embarrased to say I had to deal with them. I know I dont have to tell most of you...go where the reputations are not the deals.
Dan is being too nice. I'm not. I think that East Coast Creations is a bunch of HACKS!!!!!! and should be avoided!!! Now I've been hearing that others have had trouble there too.
I've heard that they are race car wanna bes and when they meet up with Road Racers they get blown away by their lack of knowledge.