ECR Website

nice web site! no i did not know that existed.

so, how was kershaw? i tried to distract myself from thinking of that all weekend... but white water rafting, and hiking with the wife and dogs was still a great time.

so... how was it? results anywhere?

are you guys going to charlotte?

Greensboro, NC
White ITC Honda CRX #4
Rained fairly hard all morning so a whole bunch of folks withdrew from the CCPS and ECR races. But the rain actually stopped for the ECR and the race went very well. Track was wet at the green but dried out fairly quickly.

Unfortunately only 16 cars were still there. Most everyone had packed up and gone home.
Thanks, Scott. I sure didn't know it was there. Handy item to have on the orb. I'm still new to the ECR.

Chris Harris
ITC Honda Civic