Endurance pad recomendation?


New member
Looking for a pad for a specific Brembo caliper and my favorite pads, Cobalt, are not available till approximate Feb for this specific backing plate. I can get any Performance Friction or Hawk pad made on the correct backing plate but I'm not as familar with those compounds. Any recommendations? 2900 lb car, 25 hour race.

Jeremy Lucas
Team Honda Research

[This message has been edited by jlucas (edited September 16, 2004).]
If you have used backing plates, I can set you up with the guy who makes my favorite 100% sintered iron pads. You'd be changing rotors midway through the 25 hours, though.

Call up Larry at Carbotech, he has been treating us very nice this summer doing rush rush custom jobs.

Portafield is the only company that makes pads for our car, and we have had very bad luck getting consistant results. Don't trust those pads anymore at all so we stick with the Carbotechs now.

My car is 2600#. Been very happy with Performance Friction's 90 compound, which has just been superceded by a new compound (can't remember the number). Call them, they will help you out.
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
Call up Larry at Carbotech, he has been treating us very nice this summer doing rush rush custom jobs.


I'll second the nomination. Carbotechs brakes stop really well,wear like iron,and are very rotor friendly. I've done a 3 hr enduro at the Glen and at the end the pads looked as if they were still new.

Crazy Joe
#7 ITS
Nissan Sentra SE-R