Engine Stayrod on a MK1


New member
Are any of you guys running an engine stay rod on a MK1? If so, do you mind sharing your ideas on how you made yours. It seems the most challenging part is where to attach it to the body?

I was either thinking a tube with a rod end on each side and trying to attach it near the rear tranny mount, since that is about the most durable place on the body, but the steering rack seems to get in the way. Another possibility is on the timing belt side of the engine attaching to a bracket that would be welded to the body above the area where the tie rod goes through. Would it be as effective if its not located in the center of the engine/tranny????


Or instead of a solid tube something similar to this with bushings inorder to not be so harsh on the attaching points??

My Scirocco has the stayrod done the first way you mentioned. I purchased this car already built and that looked like a good way to do it so we replicated it on my wife's Scirocco as well. Both cars have held up very well to the years of racing abuse, including my wife's car being involved in a head on crash at Summit Point in T1. I currently have my car in about the same state of disassembly as yours is from the picture you posted. I have inspected the mount points carefully and can see no signs of weakness or flex.
Good luck.
Dave Parker
2007 MARRS HP champion
Good to hear that, gives me a little reassurement. Any chance you could take a pic of it, or if the car is torn apart, at least the mounting location so I could get an idea. If its easier you can send the picture to [email protected] no rush I won't be able to start on it for at least 2 weeks.