Entering Mid Ohio when registration is not open


New member
O.K. gang,

If you are planning on arriving during a time when the SCCA registration is not open you can still get into the track starting Thursday night at 6 p.m. You need to sign the Mid Ohio waiver and will be issued a blue armband. Now here is the tricky part. I am working to resolve an issue where upon Guest Services is requiring you to leave your Drivers license with them and will be able to retrieve it after you register with SCCA registration. This is a change from last years policy. I am checking to see if they will accept other forms of I.D. since I'm not to comfortable leaving my drivers license lying around with strangers.

I will let you know what the response is.


Anytime after 6 pm.

Here is the official response from Mid Ohio.

No problem using some other form of ID… Whatever will work. It just helps your registration people to know who came in and still needs to come and register. I will let our folks know that any form on ID will work…
Todd: Will there be SCCA registration for the PDX on Thrusday night and if so, will it be up on the hill or in the lower paddock?

Still have not heard from the Ross's about getting an Annual.
Registration should be in the registration building this year.

The Ross family is in town. Contact Dave Burchfield, I think he has had a conversation with them. They will have some down time between PDX tech Friday morning and Race Tech Friday evening.
