I ran the one on my old Rabbit GTI out the side. It 45'd in front of the shifter, and exited just behind the B-pillar. Also had a 45 'bologna slice' so that it would sort of point to the ground. I also remember reading that the angled end helped w/ the reflected pulse (Pulsar racing or the Hacker bros., don't remember which). Ran a 2.25" system w/ no muffler, and used ot pull 98-99 db at Summit Point. The system that came w/ the Prod car goes straight back, and turns down in the middle of the car. Seemed to work, and was also 98-99 db at Summit, but it'll get changed when the car gets converted to FI.
MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608