Try this;
P=((850 x ED)/rpm)-3
P= TOTAL pipe length
ED = 180 deg + the number of degrees the exhaust valve opens before BDC (assume @ 0.050, though the paper I have is not clear on this)
rpm = tuned rpm
There are other formulas to calculate the various diameters for the secondarier/primaries.
I cranked this stuff through the formulas I have. Based on this info, and making some assumptions, the formula says you want a total length of around 30-34 inches, and the secondaries (from the other formulas) at 2 to 2-1/4 id. The formulas I use assume a primary of 15", so yours at 24" may be a little long.(Unfortunately I don't have the reference for these formulas, they came from a co-workers old copy). But formulas will only get you so far. Based on my experiences and your parts you all ready have, I would recommend the following. Build the secondaries out of 2-1/8" od pipe. Make them approximately 18" long. Get them into a straight area as quickly/easily as possible. (Edit: I missed the fact that your collectors are 12" long. I thing I would shorthen them to about 3" if it was easy to do. Otherwise, I would only make the additional secondaries only 6-10") This way, you can experiment with different lengths and diameters more easily/cheaply. There will be power/torque to be found just in tuning the secondaries. Join them into a 2-1/4" collector about 5" long, then join this into a 2-1/2" pipe. Experiment with the length and diameter of the exhaust pipe. I know a lot of people just dump the exhaust in front of the rear axle, because this is "best", but unless you do a lot of testing, you'll never know for sure. I think this will get you close, but if you really want to delve into this, nothing can replace building and testing components.