Express Checkin at registration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Blaney
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Tom Blaney

What ever happened to the express checkin for registration. It seems some of the regions tried it once and never saw it again.

My idea was that the regions have a single window that only allowed for sign in for people who had all their paperwork in order and their crew list complete. No changes no checks, no "I don't have my license what should I do" people.

Why should somebody who has pre-registered, did all their homework, paid their money and is ready for the registration process have to wait for somebody who doesn't have a clue???
Tom, don't just ask get involved. volunteer to help registration, they will be happy to train you and help you set up express registration.

Please don't take this as a sarcastic answer registration could use the new blood and there is no better time for a driver to volunteer than before the event and besides a couple of hours in the registration building would go a long way..

brian M
I signed up for the stewards in training program, so I think I have the volly idea covered. But if somebody would give me feedback as to why the ball was dropped after a minor attempt last year perhaps I can drive a new effort to reduce the amount of wasted time from both sides of the window. So do you know why it failed?

Originally posted by bg43wex:
Tom, don't just ask get involved. volunteer to help registration, they will be happy to train you and help you set up express registration.

Please don't take this as a sarcastic answer registration could use the new blood and there is no better time for a driver to volunteer than before the event and besides a couple of hours in the registration building would go a long way..

brian M
Well I will take a stab at the answer even though I wasnot at registration for the event last year. Very few drivers have everything completed. Yes they will send the money in and fill out the crew - but they get to the window and suddenly - opps got to change crew! I would say most time on teh entry crew is not filled out until registration. We could do it again and see what happens. I will ask Karen about how many people have sent in their checks. If we have a big enough group we will see if we can do it.
Changing crew is extremely quick. I honestly do not think that is the issue. I do think there should be a line for people that have prepaid and have everything else in order.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude
I personally see no need for an express registration. After the last event all I herd was how fast the lines went, no-one waited more than a few reasonable minutes...

With that I think that a lot of time is spent at registration talking to the registraws (sp) about life/racing. They are pleasent people that I personally enjoy talking to. I also think that they deserve to be able to have that short conversation with each of the drivers, as they are their for their enjoyment. Also I find waiting in line a great time to talk to others that are racing with me throughout the weekend... Amaizingly those in line seem to have a lot in comon with me

If and I say IF I were to ever have everything in order (wich I wont) I would still not use express registration. To me waiting in line at registration is part of the whole wonderful experience. I would suggest getting their early if you don't want to be social, the line isn't that slow... IMO

Oh one more point... I think that with on-line registration things are running smoother and smother, soon we hopefully wil have CC payments made online as well. This IMO will make registration run as fast as need be.

Raymond "just my opinion" Blethen

PS: Most people I think would be eligable for express check in, or in turn would think they were till they got to the window, so why not have a "Newby/Slacker/Blethen Registration"

I could not agree more, I have met more people in the registration line than in anyother part of racing, said hello to more people in the registration line that I never get to see let alone talk to during the race weekend.I know I'm different, I talk to everyone, maybe too much but I'm getting to meet more and more people that way. And because fo my age I better hurry.

I know that some come to race from their day jobs and need speed in registration, so an express line would be welcome. I would love to work registration but I want the line where speed is not that important, that way I could talk more.
Maybe an express line for groups one, two & three? It isn't that I don't like hanging around and talking to people.

For this weekend as an example, ITA is the second run group. There are several things that need to be done prior to the qualify session. Tech - yes, another line to get in after the registration line. Because I still use a tow dolly, I need to change the rear two tires at the track. Or maybe we could find a way to combine the simple helmet tech with registration? Obviously other techs would go to the paddock.

And yes, when people are in the first few run groups we should be there bright and early.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude

Now that is an idea!!! Tech and registration at one time!!! I think that that is a great idea... what do others think???

Probably a lot of the registras would not be able to do tech, or not all of them would be able to, but I don't see why you could't go through step 1 registration, then to step 2 tech. I think that it could be a smooth process. Not everyone would need to go through that tech line, it would just be a great option... 1 stop shoping!!!

It could really be utilized for the straight forward "helmet" techs. The times that I've gone to tech at the track, they just quickly look at my log book and make sure there are no notes they should be concerned about from someone else. Then check to make sure I have a tech sticker on my helmet. Sign the book, sticker and off on my way. These simple techs could be done at registration even if by someone from tech.

If any other tech issues came up (need to check all gear, cars, questions with previous notes, ect) the person would have to go to the tech area in the paddock.

Yes, it would slow the registration line down but cut your overall time to reg. and tech down. And I know it's not a new concept...

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude
Tom and dave ,
this is not the forum were NER handles it's
opperations discussions if you would like to attend one of our Club Racing Meetings you are welcome, they are held at the best western in Aburn, Ma. once a month the schedule is posted on our regional web site.

You have some good ideas in order to bring them to fruition you would need to work within the system that is in place.

thanx brian M
Originally posted by bg43wex:
Tom and dave ,
this is not the forum were NER handles it's
opperations discussions if you would like to attend one of our Club Racing Meetings you are welcome, they are held at the best western in Aburn, Ma. once a month the schedule is posted on our regional web site.

You have some good ideas in order to bring them to fruition you would need to work within the system that is in place.

thanx brian M


This is EXACTLY WHERE these issues need to be discussed. The concept of express checkin is something I presented last year to all of the regions. Not just NER, the process was attempted with some success and some failure by more than just NER....

Based on the fiasco that went on this weekend at LR, I (as a future steward) expect to have a bigger and more open discussion as to what should happen at these events. Keep in mind that it is still the drivers money and participation in the event that keeps it going, and if the region doesn't do a good job in providing the proper avenue for the teams to participate, than there will be nothing to watch.

I am sure that this will twist a few noses, but at 110.00 per lap, I don't expect you will keep too many of the less that affluent drivers coming back to the events.

I partially agree with you... but I do think that it ok to bring up ideas/discussions here... just to gather feedback but I do agree that if people expect change they need to go to an "official meeting" and put the idea on the "table."

Maybe we should have a NER forum on the NER site for people to put NER specific ideas TBD (to be discussed) at Comp board meetings??? It is not feasable for everyone to go to the comp board meeting nor do I think we want every little idea to go to a comp board meeting... we would never get out of the place!!!

Raymond "Glad to bring up ideas and discuss here, and if I see relevent will take them to the next (real) level of possible implementation" Blethen
I would love some Express Chicken at the reg line! I never have much time to eat breakfast before a race, and it would be great to have some chicken to eat while in those long lines.
What is the point of this and other forums? Isn't it to discuss ideas and possible ways to improve things? It is nice to get other people's feedback.

And yes, we realize that if we want something to get changed we must voice our ideas in the right venue. This is not the place where it would be voted on, but certainly is a great place to see what others think and hopefully get other ideas on how further improve upon the ideas. Think of it as our brainstorming area - it often is the place where ideas start.

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude
if any one would like to discuss the inner workings of NER I would be happy to speak with you 508-954-8110 this is the NER help line I answer it.

I seldom convey my thought correctly on line so a personal conversation would go a lt further.

thanx Brian Mushnick
club racing chair NER
How was it NER's fault that the ITA race was cut short. Move on. The idea of Tech at reg is not a new idea, I have just never seen a follow up to it. I guess it is just the same old concept that they need more indians and less chiefs. dave Thanks dick for the help at lrp.
Originally posted by Tom Blaney:

....Based on the fiasco that went on this weekend at LR,.....
I am sure that this will twist a few noses, but at 110.00 per lap, I don't expect you will keep too many of the less that affluent drivers coming back to the events.....

Tom makes a good point, but not this, which has me confused. Tom straighten me up here...are you suggesting that the region is to blame for the high cost per lap of the ITA race?
1-If so, why.
2-What, in your opinion could they have done to avoid it or deal with it better?
3-Is there anything they can do now?
4-How can it be avoided in the future?

Brian, I hear you, and I know what you mean, but I think this forum does provide a valuable sounding block and communications tool and I think the region has benefited from it.

As an example, the idea of doing a H&N demonstration for the workers was first floated on this forum, by Greg Amy, and followed up with assistance of Scott Taber, F&C Chief, Dick P, and myself, as well as good input from many others. Now I grant you it was a minor thing that required little in the way of region operational adapting, but the point remains that the forum was the vehicle that made it happen.

But without follow through, ideas are nothing. I encourage all drivers to discuss, then attend the meetings, or make their thoughts known to a driver who will attend, such as myself, Steve U, Dick P. or a Blethen, I find the meetings interesting, as it shows the thought process that goes into the running of the region, and the often unseen reasons that determine why things happen as they do.

I will shoot up from Fairfield County for the next one, and am happy to offer a ride ....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]