John Lundquist (sp?) built an ITA Fiero last year and has run it at VIR and Lowes some this year (I know Jeff has raced against it). The Fiero has potential, but there are limitations.
First and formost, I wouldn't recomend using the 4cyl car in any class. While the motor is mechanically capable of producing god awefull amounts of HP... these options are IT legal. The weight same or similar to the V6 cars.
If you are going to choose a V6 car, I would go with the '86 or '87 SE with a wing delete rear deck. Intial reaction would be to go with the '88 for it's purpose built suspension and while this is really nice, it adds some expense to the setup (the only year/model for hubs, rotors and the like in GM's lineup). The earlier suspension can be bult to peroform nearly as well as the later... except for he bump stear in the rear. The '88 cars had a purpose built suspension that accomidated for the bump stear with some additional tie rods and a better placement of the struts. The also did away with the Citation control arms.
Among the Fiero crowd, it is a comon assumption that the earlier cars had a better front suspension that the later, and the later had a better rear setup. The ideal situation is to use the '88 cradle on the 86 or 87 platform... except the SCCA won't let you do this since you have to relocated the mounting holes for the struts.
I never raced one, although I owned one for 17 years, but I have a fair aomunt of understanding with these cars. Who knows... watching John go around VIR with his car is giving me the itch to build one.
There is a wealth of knowledge on the web and I beleive a Fiero racing news group too. Hope I helped and didn't ramble too much.