Finally thawed out


New member
Well the Chicago area finally slipped out of winter's grip this weekend. Most of the snow in our yards is gone, and we have seen honest to goodness sunshine for a few days in a row.

After building up a nice case of cabin fever over the past few months I took the opportunity to go into the back garage and start up the fleet.

The tow van battery was flat out dead. Not surprising after spending weeks on end in single digit temps outside of the garage. Luckily it just needed a charge and fired right up.

Ditto for the 90 GTI 'extra' car. Of course the one that spent the longest in hibernation - the race car - started right up.

Man it really got my juices flowing. I was ready to go to a race the next day! It's funny how during the winter you can get so focused on the changes you plan for your car, that this hobby turns into work, and all it takes to bring the fun back is a warm day and the smell of race fuel :happy204: :eclipsee_steering: .

I just flat out LOVE our sport and can't wait to see my fellow CenDiv IT competitors on the track!

Just thought I would share :birra:
Same thing happened here in Ohio (without the dead batteries, they were in the basement all winter) The racer is finally in the front garage now and is well on its way to being ready for the first race of the season in 7 weeks. That 7 weeks seems like an eternity now but I'm sure the weeks will slip away quicker than we all realize.
Blizzard here March 1, 10" plus of drifting snow.

Today, a record high of 72 degrees predicted.

I wanna get back on the track! :026:
Yup, snow's all gone here in central Ohio too. Tomorrow's supposed to be 70 and sunny! The ITA Integra's been sitting patiently waiting in the shop ready to run for a couple of weeks now. It's got all of it's offseason projects done already and just wants to go. The ITS Prelude still needs a bit of work though. It's still in the process of its diet and then needs to have its engine installed again.

Only 54 more days until ORP..... <_< I need to move. I spent yesterday with a couple of SEDiv racers and had to explain to them how our season only lasts for five months, effectively making the offseason actually longer. They didn't understand.