Those who enjoy checking out the tube framed 600 plus horsepower monsters can do so at
check out our active message board, where you can find the Sebring National race report and a post on our track records. Also the photo gallery for Sebring and the 2006 events.
V8 StockCar is sponsored by Goodyear, Sunoco, Hoerr Racing Products, DRP, RaceCar Engineering and Advanced Graphix
"Bosco" Logsdon
check out our active message board, where you can find the Sebring National race report and a post on our track records. Also the photo gallery for Sebring and the 2006 events.
V8 StockCar is sponsored by Goodyear, Sunoco, Hoerr Racing Products, DRP, RaceCar Engineering and Advanced Graphix
"Bosco" Logsdon