Give My Engine a Ride, VA to CT?

Greg Amy

Staff member
Looking for a ride for an Acura 4-cylinder engine from Berryville VA (damn near Summit Point) to any points north, preferably as far as central Connecticut. If you can get it as far as Central Jersey or higher, I'd appreciate hearing from you... - Greg
Greg, how much of a hurry are you in? It looks like I'll be down in Berryville on March 22 and back up in Hartford by the next Monday.
No rush, Matt that's plenty fine. This is just a rebuildable core engine for us; the price was right so I snagged it. We're not totally committed to ITS right now (with a possible eye to ITA after the VIN rule goes away for '09) so it'll just sit around here me at my personal email address (grega at pobox dawt com) and we can coordinate.

Dinner and drinks are on me! - GA