GLDiv Double Drivers School at GingerMan on 5/11-5/13.


New member
GLDiv is hosting a Double Drivers School at GingerMan on 5/11 - 5/13. Registration is open at the link below. I'm the Chief Instructor and we're hoping to get a descent turnout of folks who will be the next generation. While our date is on Mother's Day weekend, we are also the last SCCA school in the neighborhood as CenDiv and NEDiv host their schools in April.

If you're a potential student, whether you come to our school or one of the others, please reach out to your Race Chairs, Chief Stewards, Chief Instructors, etc. and make contact with one of them. Let them help you make sure you have everything in order. The last thing anyone wants to for a potential student to have to skip a school because of something easily remedied a month earlier (What do you mean I need new belts!).

Also, please do NOT confuse the Alternate Dirving School program as a path for the novice driver. It isn't.

Please let me know if you have any questions ([email protected]; 517.889.1117).

Dayle Frame