Golf Version 3.2 Progressing Slowly


I alternate between thinking that I've made a huge mistake, and being pleased with the progress...

Step 1 - Get rollcage installed (Competition Cages did a GREAT job on this one!)

Step 2 - Discover rust in floor (note that these should have been done in the other order)

Step 3 - Get bummed out

Step 4 - Get pissed off and do this...


Step 5 - Get a new piece of tin and cross brace with seat mount from the VW counter (surprisingly affordable!)

Step 6 - Voila - the new bits will be stitched in with the MIG from both the top and the bottom


We've also been grinding undercoating and tar out of the tub thanks in large part to loan of a SnapOn Crud Thug from Jon Bonforte back in my old stompin' ground in Washington State. If you've never seen one of these things work, you need to check it out.

Damn Kirk, I can't believe there was so much rust on a car that's barely 10 years old. Was it under water when you got it???
I am glad you like the Crud Thug.

Something a couple of guys could invest in and sperad the cost of a tool out. Well worth the investment in my mind. Can't believe Snap On doesn't do more marketing to racers with this tool. The body shops in my aera didn't even know about it.

Kirk, Rome wasn't built in one day....... Looks like a nice build keep up the good work.


P.S. with rust like that you just might of saved someones life. You will have a nice starting point to mount the seat :023:
There are a couple of hints about why we have so much rust...

The windshield was busted out at one point (glass fragments in the vents), and the driver's door had been jimmied - evidence that it had been stolen somewhere along the line, potentially vandalized, and maybe left sitting somewhat open.

There was also some damage to the underbelly - like it had been driven over a curb? - that may have separated some of the joints, allowing water in.

Whatever, we'll get it worked out but particularly with the holiday travel season, it's going to be slow going for a while.


EDIT - If nothing else, we are expanding our internal skill base and infrastructure...
Originally posted by Knestis@Dec 18 2005, 09:56 PM
If nothing else, we are expanding our internal skill base and infrastructure...

:lol: How many time have I said that to myself? :bash_1_:
Kirk, looking good. ETA for the car on track? Will you make VIR in March?

Looking forward to meeting Son of Pablo.
I had hoped to do the Tarheel or NASA VIR event in mid-February but that ain't happening. March should be OK but I'd really like to have it on the track for a low pressure test before then.

We're freshening the engine, too and rebuilding the gearbox (don't ask). The suspension is getting bushings but Cameron's been working on the mechanical components so they are ready to bolt on when the paint dries. It might surprise me but the fact that I'm trying not to do in either my or Cameron's personal/professional lives is making this a slow - and sometimes frustrating - process.

I had a dream last night about camber plates and strut braces, and woke up obsessing about them this morning...


Are you building a B sprint car? Guess I will get a good look at the back side of this one (from my C car) in march. There is a test day scheduled that weekend.

It's an ITB car but tuned more toward endurance racing, without every last speed tweak possible under the rules.

Don't try this at home. We're what you call ... idiots.


It looks a little like our attempt to make the Darwin Awards but the cherry picker and huge tow strap to the rafters were determined to be overkill, when we weighed the bodyshell - 479# completely nekkid with cage, windshield and quarter windows. This came as a pleasant surprise.

We met with the painter today and have that all figured out but still have a bunch of brackets (fire system, window net, dead pedal, kill switch) and holes (hood pins, harness mounts) that we want to do before the finish goes on. It's going to be white inside, on the bottom, and in the engine bay, and VW Motorsport (aka Jazz) blue...


Progress is being made, even though I'm going to be very sad that we're building rather than racing during the Feb VIR NASA gig.

it seems normal to me. i did that with my fiero... only differnce being i didn't have a hoist at the time and had to use 4x4's, wood and bricks to get the rear up 4' in the air!

like the new color. who you got painting it? i might be looking to get the honda painted sometime this year.
