GoRacingTV to Broadcast Daily News Show from the SCCA 2009 Runoffs


New member
Press Release
Errol Tucker 410-382-2067
Henry “Chip” VanVurst 954-410-9883

GoRacingTV to Broadcast Daily News Show from the SCCA 2009 Runoffs

Aug 24, 2009 – GoRacingTV.com will broadcast a daily Web-video news show from the Sports Car Club of America Runoffs this year. The SCCA Runoffs will be held at Wisconsin’s Road America, a 4.048-mile, 14-turn road course located near Madison, Wisc. The show will air each of the six days of the event, Sept. 22 to 27.

This will be another first for the Maryland-based production company. GoRacingTV.com recently went to the Chicago Region SCCA June Sprints and recorded all 10 races of the event which presently are being aired one by one on its Web site. “We were the first to bring the June Sprints to the club racing community via Web-video and now we plan to be the first to bring the Runoffs to everyone in a daily news format from the event,” said co-host Errol Tucker. “Our goal is to make information on club racing more accessible and help bring the sport to the forefront”.

The daily news show will bring viewers news and information on what is happening at the Runoffs; from informative interviews with competitors, to qualifying interviews and updates, to the championship race results and interviews with the winners. “It will be like looking at your local news report each evening. Most people go home and look at the nightly news to see what has gone on in the world today, in this case, with our news report, viewers will got info on what has happened in the world of SCCA and the Runoffs,” said Chip VanVurst, co-host of the show.

“Although SCCA will have a live Web broadcast of the Runoffs championship races, since our show will air each night of the qualifying days as well as race days, we feel our news show will compliment their efforts by giving viewers a quick and informative news format on what to look forward to in the championship races. We are still in the process of solidifying the production schedule, but our plan right now is to have each news show up on the GoRacingTV.com Web site by 8 p.m. EST each evening,” said Tucker

GoRacingTV.com began airing episodes of its “Club Racer” and “Auto Crosser” Web-based video shows in February of this year but has quickly become the site where club racers can obtain updated information and news related to the amateur racing community.

GoRacingTV is looking for competitors with interesting racing histories and or stories to interview at the Runoffs. These interviews will be part of the News Show. If you know of someone we should spotlight or if you think you have an interesting story to share, please submit your/their contact information and racing resume/bio at http://www.goracingtv.com/contact/

GoRacingTV.com and its co-sponsors are enthused to be a part of this exciting project. For more information, go to GoRacingTV.com.