You know, I say the same thing to Colin, Jon, and Joey, but it doesn't work with them either.Scott, you clearly should have slowed down and let me by.[/b]
I really want to go to the ARRC. And I still have not given up hope, it's just the whole funding thing. I've tried everyone (even my girlfriends roller derby team, I told them I could pay them back in "trade" but I don't think they are going for it ). It is a definite in '07 if I lighten up my schedule a bit and maybe pay my truck off.But for being the Great Lakes Division ITA Champion, you really should be going to the ARRC.
It took me at least 5 minutes to figure out who Scott Lunder is. [/b]
If you haven't come to Grattan, that should be the top of your list. Much more fun/interesting/challenging than Gingerman IMHO. Similar characteristics to M-O IMO. Nelson is a fun fast track, but it has its own issues.So I was gonna try and add Grattan to my schedule for next year. But maybe I should skip that and go to Gingerman and Nelson.
You'll have to excuse Marty; he's kind of old. Gingerman is kind of boring though and Grattan is indeed fun....if you're in a CRX....and get to grid in time for your race....and don't wreck your car.^^^ He didn't get it.
Lets just say Paul Newman is my hero.You'll have to excuse Marty; he's <strike>kind of</strike> old.
Scott, I heard a rumor yesterday that you were toying with the idea of selling your car. I will kick you square in the nuts.
What, so you can go maybe 150?It's no secret that I want to go to bonneville, [/b]
Completely overrated. Not actually any fun at all. And actually removes money from the racing a house[/b]
Ok, you can do this one. But only if you let me come up and make my own stuff.and start my own machine shop[/b]
Lets just say Paul Newman is my hero.
Look me up when the time comes to sell it. It really is a great car and I bet I can make it look like $h!t in about 22 seconds!