Group buy on Mazda wheels


New member
I posted this in the Bargin Shopper area, but I figured it would be better viewed here in the Mazda section.

I just came across an opportunity to buy some lightweight wheels at a resonable cost. They are OZ Superturismo wheels custom made to fit a second gen RX-7, with the proper offset for 225/45/15 tires (wheels will be 15X7). They will weigh 10lbs, and cost $200 each. They guy said he wants 10 sets ordered before the deal can go through. Call him at:
317-244-4700 His name is Jason and the company is Trackside Supply

Pauly D
Anybody have a link to a picture of these on a 2nd gen?

All I can find is the Superleggera...


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports

Check the OZ website. You may find them on special direct for the same price or less. I found the F1 Cup wheels there recently for $115 each and they were 200+ everywhere else.

Just a thought.


These wheels are going to be custom made. They are race only wheels like the Audi RS8s and the like run. At $200 each it will be a steal for a 10lb wheel built to spec.

Pauly D

I went up to the OZ site, anf they didn't have the offering for the 2nd gen any longer. 10 pounds is really light and cheaper than Panasports.

Did you get your engine back together yet? Any more outings for the fall?

No Dave,

I'm down for the season. Budget constraints and planning a wedding next month are killing my fund allocation. Did I mention I'm out of money for this year

I'll see you first thing next season ready to roll.

I photoshoped a pic of my car with the OZ superturismo wheels on it. If anyone wants to see it, let me know and I will e-mail you the pic. I don't know how to post pics on this forum yet.