Harness shoulder strap routing


New member
"The shoulder harness shall be mounted behind the driver and
supported above a line drawn downward from the shoulder point
at an angle of twenty (20) degrees with the horizontal. The seat
itself, or anything added only to the seat shall not be considered
a suitable guide. Guides must be a part of the roll cage or a part
of the car structure."

Say the line drawn from the drivers shoulders to the cross brace on the cage is within the limits, but the openings in the seat are above the 20 degree limit. Is this an acceptable routing?
In an ideal world, we should pick a seat in which the shoulder belt holes are just slightly below a horizontal line from the shoulder. Think about a thicker seat cushion perhaps, to get you up a little taller since simple squeeze power holding you against the seat back won't give you maximum retention if you go on your head.

The builder who fabricated my roll cage was very good. We mounted the seat in the car before he took all the measurements for the cage. I am relatively short (5'4") and what he noticed was that the standard openings in the Kirkey seat were above the top of my shoulders. He wound up enlarging the hole for the shoulder straps making the bottom of the opening lower. Then he mounted the horizontal bar to the main hoop, with mounting tabs on the back side, lining the bar up with my shoulders. So the line from the top of my shoulders to the top of the horizontal bar is parallel to the ground/floor of the car. The seat does not touch the belts when I am belted in. Having the belts mounted directly to the cage also makes them very short (less stretch).