Has Anyone purchases IT stuff from RFR race parts


New member
I am not sure if this is the proper section, but since I am not posting a good price, I didn't thing it belonged in the bargain shopper section. Mods, if this needs to be moved, feel free.

Now my question, Has anyone dealt with http://www.rfrraceparts.com/ ? I placed an order online on 2/13 for an Impact helmet. After I placed the order and went back to the home page I noticed a message that they were experiencing a "major" network outage causing an interruption of phones and email as of 1/27. Well, their online ordering seems to work fine as my credit card has been billed, yet I have recieved no notice of shipment.

So if anyone has any info on this company, please share. They are located in Duluth, GA according to their website, and they only have one phone number listed (toll free line).

It seems like they should have had their problems resoved by now since it has been a month. I am not badmouthing them since they can still come through, but I am startiing to get a bit tired of this ordeal.

Thanks for any info

Russell McMullan
I'd contest the charge and order somewhere else.

Marcus, who has no patience, when honestly, vendors of safety equipment are a near commodity.

I am glad I did not trash talk. My helmet arrived yesterday, appearenly drop shipped from Impact. It still seems weird that they are unable to contact their clients by any means over a month after the website says the network interruption occured.

Thanks for the reply Marcus, I was going to call my cc compnay when I got home yesterday, and there was my helmet!

Now if my suspension gets delivered soon, I can race at the end of the month!