Prof. Chaos
New member
Are headlights required in STx? Under "Engine Electrical" (9.1.4.L.3) it says:
All cars, except cars with pop-up headlights, shall have clear OEM headlight assemblies in place in the stock headlight
positions. If headlight assemblies are used, they may be the clear OEM assemblies for any country in which the car is
sold. Additionally, the headlight assembly may consist of a replica bucket and the OEM lens. There shall be an operational
light bulb within both the low and high beam placements. The operational light bulbs need not be of OEM origin, but must
produce approximately the same light output as an OEM Halogen low beam.
I get as far as the second sentence and read "if headlight assemblies are used..." and begin to wonder if I need any headlights.
On a similar thought, at the opening of 9.1.4.L it says "The electrical system is free provided that:"
Brake lights aren't mentioned...can I ditch the third brake light?
All cars, except cars with pop-up headlights, shall have clear OEM headlight assemblies in place in the stock headlight
positions. If headlight assemblies are used, they may be the clear OEM assemblies for any country in which the car is
sold. Additionally, the headlight assembly may consist of a replica bucket and the OEM lens. There shall be an operational
light bulb within both the low and high beam placements. The operational light bulbs need not be of OEM origin, but must
produce approximately the same light output as an OEM Halogen low beam.
I get as far as the second sentence and read "if headlight assemblies are used..." and begin to wonder if I need any headlights.
On a similar thought, at the opening of 9.1.4.L it says "The electrical system is free provided that:"
Brake lights aren't mentioned...can I ditch the third brake light?