help, do not know what the problem is


New member
I could not get my car started a day after a race. I did not think I was getting a spark. I had the ignition box checked and it was ok. I then put it back in car and there was a spark. still would not start. we spray some starting fluid in it and it ran for a second. Did it again an it would run until the starting fluid was gone then stop. we check for clogged fuel lines to the carbs. Then pulled the carbs(zenith stromberg carbs) off and took them apart and cleaned. We did not see anything wrong or any dirt... that would not allow fuel to the engine. Everything seemed clean and open. Put the carbs back on and shot a little starting fluid and it run then shot a little more fuild to keep it running and then it finaly ran and was able to take fuel and run normal and idle. Turned the car off and restarted it a few minutes later and ran fine. I will see what happens in a few days. I know it was a fuel problem but what and why did it fix itself. Any thoughts or ideas?
What kind of car? also do you have fuel pressure guage/regulator...if for some reason you have no fuel pressure, that will answer your problem if the problem persists after you find out you do have pressure, the problem is in the carbs... I hope this helps

Evan Darling
ITA Integra
The thing to do is disconnect the fuel line at the carb and run it into a container. If you have an electric pump, turn it on and see if you have a solid stream of fuel. Electric pumps should supply a steady, consistent flow. If its mechanical, turn the engine over with the starter (disconnect a coil wire so it doesn't start) and check the stream of fuel. Mechanical pumps will pulsate as the engine turns over, but when it is pumping fuel, it should be a nice solid stream. If you're not getting a good supply, its most likely the pump, but if its an older car, you may have a rusted/broken/plugged line before the pump restricting flow. Good luck.

[This message has been edited by John Herman (edited June 23, 2005).]
I would think the float valve was sticking not allowing fuel in the bowls...the vibration from the engine running may free it up so fuel can flow. I would suggest if it does it again, check the needle and seat to see if it is stuck or do the old british trick with a hammer and lightly tap the on the old zcar. other than that i would double check for fuel pressure with a different guage. It sounds like something was stuck in the carb though

Evan Darling
ITA Integra
I already check the line, do have an electic pump, had good stream out of both lines. The float bowls were full on each carb so they were getting fuel to the carbs. took the carbs apart and saw no dirt or anyother obstructions
trd77, being that you have stated you have spark, you have fule flow to the carb, have you tried having someone start the motor while you work the throttle shaft while looking down the carb or do whatever one dose with FI.

Disconnect the coil please......

Now off to the Sprints

Does it have a choke? Possibly misadjusted or malfunctioning? If it doesn't have a choke, the engine may have just been too cold to start. Running it on starting fluid warmed it up enough for it to run properly.
John, it does not have a choke, I have to do it by hand. I hope thats it, however, it would not fire a day after the race. It would normally fire fairly easy after that. Then when I did use starting fuild it would run fow a few seconds. Then it would die because it would not get fuel.
Stupid as it sounds, gas could be the culprit.

I've had issues that were mysterious, and I never found the dirt or whatever. Often I think it ws water that gathered in the carb bowl that was emulsified when driving, but settled out when it sat. Once it seperated, the engine drew from the bottom and wouldn't run. The problem worked itself out after a ether start or three, or a quick opening and cleaning of the carb and a blow out of the passages.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Andy, we've had lots of issues with hard starting/running on the TR8 related to the damn ground straps. I'm not kidding. Check them, and replace both (the one in the front and the one in the back with the battery) if they look natty. You might be getting just enough spark for it to run on the starting fluid, but not enough to ignite gas/air properly.

Keep us posted.