Hey Andy...

Bill Miller

New member
Do you have a sister/cousin/sister-in-law/wife named Melanie that drives a Scion xB?

There's a Melanie Bettencourt from Mass. on Tuner Transformation, getting her xB made over. Didn't think it was that common of a name, and then when they said she was from Mass., I figured it might be too much for a conicidnece.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
Good catch...but nope.



Andy Bettencourt
New England Region, R188967

Hahaha....Well I spoke with another member of the ITAC after you left. Next time you are out here we are all going out on the town....There isn't a moral's clause for ITAC members is there? Just remember the only thing you need to bring is a drool cup and a stack of one dollar bills....LOL It was nice to meet you and I took away great confidence that with you and Darin on the ITAC we are in great shape for awhile. If yer gonna be out this summer you should plan a trip around a regional and we will find a car for ya to drive. It will have pistons though.