They haven't even posted the "official" results from the Daytona ECR, so I wouldn't hold your breath!
Nobody is sure what is going on, and nobody is admitting to anything right now. Sorry to disappoint you, but it has been a very disturbing season, especially with having transponders to "speed up" the timing and scoring process. MY PERSONAL OPINION is that the GCR is not being followed by not having a manual backup, and it's left up to the ECR administrator to try and solve the puzzle after the fact. Please note that this is, in no way, a slam on anyone in Timing and Scoring, or anyone in the ECR administration, as I'm sure they are doing the best job they can, with what they have to work with, it's just that the ECR series is a "2nd class citizen" in the eyes of the regions stewards. Again, this is just my own opinion, and is not directed at any one individual, and is based on my own experiences in running the ECR series over the last 13 years.
Ducking for cover now!
Mark P. Larson
CFR #164010