Houston area?

Houston region just had a race last weekend at MSR. Their web site is http://www.houscca.com/

The next SCCA race in the area is next weekend at Texas World Speedway in College Station. It is hosted by Texas region but there will be a lot of the Houston contingent there.

The track sat view: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...pn=0.017594,0.028024&t=h&z=15&iwloc=addr&om=1

I'll be working tech this weekend instead of racing. Come on up to the track and snoop around.

The NASA group would be happy for you to show up and see how they do things. Be careful though, they will try to talk you into working a corner.

Here is the info for next weekend: http://www.sowdivscca.org/entryforms/Feb08TWS2.9Final.pdf
Welcome to the area David! Good to see another IT car in TX. The SCCA R/R last weekend at MSRH was pretty good, but we don't have another R/R until September - everything in between is one day weekends. If you can make the R/RR this weekend at TWS, go for it - it's the only R/RR this year. We are in a very National oriented and open wheel car division. A lot of the regional car guys are frustrated, it's been expressed in meetings and on forums.

As Bob pointed out, there is a NASA race Feb 9-10 at MSRH. I will be there, so will Bob and others. Come stop by or come out and race! PM me if you need any help or have questions. You won't have to work a corner unless you want to, no worries. I've never worked a corner and have never been asked either. NASA pays it's workers so finding them is not an issue.

As far as shop space, sorry I'm in Dallas and need some as well!

Here is the important stuff...


1/19-Regional-MSR Houston-Houston
1/20-Regional-MSR Houston-Houston

2/2-Regional-Texas World Speedway (2.9 mile)-Texas
2/3-Restricted Regional-Texas World Speedway (2.9 mile)-Texas
2/3-National-Texas World Speedway (2.9 mile)-Texas

3/8-National-Texas World Speedway-LnSt
3/9-National-Texas World Speedway-LnSt

4/5-Regional-MSR Houston-Houston
4/6-National-MSR Houston-Houston

5/2-Restricted Regional-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas
5/3-National-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas
5/4-National-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas

5/24-Regional-Texas World Speedway-LnSt
5/25-National-Texas World Speedway-LnSt

6/21-Regional-MSR Houston-Houston
6/22-National-MSR Houston-Houston

7/12-School-MSR Houston-Houston
7/13-School-MSR Houston-Houston

8/23-Regional-MSR Houston-Houston
8/24-National-MSR Houston-Houston

9/13-Regional-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas (Venue change to EC)
9/14-Regional-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas (Venue change to EC)

11/15-Regional-Texas World Speedway-LnSt
11/16-Enduro-Texas World Speedway-LnSt

12/6-School-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas
12/7-School-Texas Motor Speedway-Texas


Feb 9/10 - MSR Houston

Mar 15/16 MSR Cresson

April 19/20 Texas World Speedway 2.9 CC and 4hr enduro

June 21-22 Hallett

Aug 2-3 Texas World Speedway 2.9 CW

Sept 11-14 National Championships Mid Ohio

Oct 11-12 Eagles Canyon

***The NASA TX races consist of (1) Practice, (1) Quailifer, (2) Sprint Races on Saturday and (1) Qualifer and (1-2) Sprint races on Sunday. Total of 6-7 sessions every weekend.***