I got it.....I got it.....I don't got it How not to take the esses at Road Atlanta


New member
Pro-IT race at Road Atlanta, lap 4 and a Zsolt Ferenczy in a GSR Integra looses it in the esses.

You Tube Link: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98h946fwywQ[/ame]
Willie, you lied, you said you had to almost stop.... you were going at least 20mph through that dirt cloud!:D
Had fun and look forward to going thru T1 without an off all weekend. I did it this time, but my codriver took up the slack and kept my cars record of at least one off at RA every time I go there. I hope you guys find the control box on the A/C before we come back for ARRC. Dang it was hot... the weather steward was the only bad guy all weekend.
You know Mac, when you're racing at 90+ MPH when you slow down to 20-30 mph it just feels like you're stopped. :D

Had a great time trying to run you down after that little indecent, looking back on my dive bomb in 10 I probably should have waited until the last lap. Oh well......next time:happy204:

Greta racing with you....see you next time you're at Road Atlanta.
If I'd only had a camera

I was working cross-track at T5 during the race at Road Atlanta where Greg Amy's NX2K was trashed. I've never seen a car do a pogo stick routine quite like that before. I was sure that the driver (whose name escapes me at the moment) had caught it when he disappeared from site......then I heard the impact and saw the dust cloud. THAT was an awesome "almost".

Nice Piece of Driving

Text Book
1. Hold line
2. Aim for spinning car
3. Wait for dust to clear
4. Accelerate
Perfect, nice piece of driving.