Inside plastic fender replacement ideas?

gran racing

Super Moderator
During my last race, one of the cars inside plastic fender liners came off. (This is the piece above the wheel to block water and other debris.) The primary reason I need this is because it protects my intake filter. I called several junk yards, but they do not have anything that will do the trick even though I asked about different year Preludes, Accords, and Civics. I then went to Honda and they want $65 for the part – I’m not so keen on wasting that much money on it. I also made a trip to the Home Depot race shop to see what they might have, but the only thing I could think of using that they had was a flexible rubber garbage can.

I suppose another idea would be to use a piece of aluminum to fabricate a box around it while having it attach to the intake. I don’t have an issue spending some time making something; it’s more a matter of which will cost less.

Any other recommendations? Or should I just suck it up and buy it from Honda?

Even at CT minimum wage of $7.65 hr, your time is worth more than that. Buy the part and spend some time watching video of Ohio.
Tell that to my wife. It all adds up. It seems pretty simple to make if I could find the plastic roll, but I could be wrong.

I'm actually hoping that I can buy something locally this weekend and give it a shot. That way if all else fails, I still have the Honda part as a back up. I already checked to see how close my VW junker part would be, but it's not even close.

Even at CT minimum wage of $7.65 hr, your time is worth more than that. Buy the part and spend some time watching video of Ohio.

Maybe it's just me but I've never understood that argument. Are you saying that in the case where I don't have the money but theoretically if I could miraculously turn time into money without working it's not worth my time to do the work and save the money so I might as well spend the money I don't have?

Is that it? :blink: ;)
Based on the assumption that:

1) you know that you can only put your intake there if the OE location pulled intake there, and
2) you know that the only allowed replacement fender liner is the OE one, then

...I suggest you simply make a splash shield for your intake from easily-available materials, such as something from the Big Orange Race Car Parts Store. - GA
Any other recommendations?

If you have a body shop connection, just have them order you an aftermarket one. They are certainly not OEM quality, but on a race car who cares? I use Keystone Automotive extensively here in Florida, but a search in your area only turned up one site. I'd certainly give them a call anyway.

Keystone Automotive
Distance: 61 miles
carve up a plastic refuge bucket. They make those 30+" OD ones that are 2 foot or so hight that would work I bet. $5 on sale
Aluminum flashing from the hardware/HD store is great stuff for lightweight sheilds and especially for making templates.

Lexan (not plexi-glass) can be bent w/ heat (if you're carefull), but it can be expensive in big sheets.

Since you don't likely need the whole thing, just carve up the one from the other side. If its the same mtl that my Nissan had in it, the stuff is great for fabbing up sheilds & gaurds - it is flexible, yet with heat it can be formed and it has enough memory to stay as you need it.

If anyone can tell me what kind of plastic that is I would buy a sheet to keep around.