Integra airbox


New member
I have a basic short ram intake and I would like to put a shield inside the engine compartment to keep hot air from entering that area. I am not trying to funnel any air from any orfice in the front of the car, just keep the hot air out...Basically it would go from the strut tower to the core support then down to the frame rail where the battery sits, closing off the battery/air filter area from the rest of the engine compartment (just an aluminum heat shield). Any opinions on legality before I build something that will be protested??

Evan Darling
ITA Integra
As long as you do not use "Ram Air", which is well defined in the GCR Glossary, you can take air from any place in the confines of the engine compartment, or any stock air intake location (if it goes thru the core support). Therefore, if the "shield" you are intending to use does not seal it off to an opening that was not originally used for the air intake, you are free to do as you wish from the throttle body/mass air forward. That would be from inside the confines of the engine compartment.

This was all gleaned from a protest on my car a few years ago, when the protester and the tech inspectors,applied the "street" definition of ram air, instead of the Glossary definition.

The Stewards of the Meet ruled us legal.

That said, I would offer the following: Be prepared to suffer for your close reading of the rules. There will be many opinions of the written word, and the final ruling does NOT exist within these forums, or even by the tech inspectors at the track.

Been there, and done that too. We all learn obout the safety issues, but too many performance issues remain in the Gray area nd have to be settled at a higher level. Not saying you should not...I'd do it again...just fair notice. I'm always trying to push the's called racing at the edge.

Good racing.


[This message has been edited by bill f (edited June 13, 2005).]
Thanks!! It is just a simple shield to keep the hot exhaust air away from the air filter...i still have the short ram with a cone filter in the stock airbox location with no additional ducts added to direct air there. I removed the sound deadening device (many plastic tubes and gizmos) that was attached to the stock airbox because of weight and it was just useless and allowed as it was part of the stock airbox.

Evan Darling
ITA Integra
Amen, Bill F. My teammate went through the same thing years ago. Eventually got the stewards decision overturned by the appeals court, but it cost him a bunch of money and time to prove his case. The evidence used in the protest was completely boggus and should have never been allowed. Unfortunately, the steward involved is still active in the racing system. Even though reprimanded for bungling the protest and teardown. The message is to make sure you have all you ducks and have them in order and be ready to back them up.

Chris Harris
ITC Honda Civic