Is IT7 dead?


New member
Been gone for a while, used to race in IT7 but don't see much talk about the class anymore. Has everybody switched to SM or what?
There were 196 SARRC race IT7 entries in '07, the latest year I have numbers for. The highest level of participation was in '02 at 263 entries, the lowest in '06 at 173. The spec tire rule pulled a couple of guys out which did not help matters much but the class is still alive and well.

I am about to mail out ballots to 67 IT7 drivers in the SEDiv that ran a race in the years '07 to date asking for a rule change to allow internal engine coatings on the wear surfaces of the side and rotor housings. If this rule does not pass I fear IT7 will die as fast as their engines wear out.

IMHO, the class and its development has matured, so there is not much chatter about it.
I'd venture to say that New England Region, which, JUST added the IT-7 class in 08, has about 6 or 7 guys who run "regularly". It used to be much higher 7 -10 years ago when the RX-7s ran in ITA, but it was obvious that the 7 couldn't compete with the CRX, Integra, et al, and the ITAc wasn't able to do much about that. (bastards! ;) )

I know that in Norcal, there were more ITA RX-7s running a couple years ago than any other model than double dipping Miatas at the race I observed.
Well, thats re assuring i guess. Figured the motor housing issue would be coming into play soon enough. So no aftermarket rotor housings for the 12A huh? Think i would like to get back into IT7, but don't want to if I'm done when my motors done.
To update Tom Sprecher's numbers, there were 159 entries in IT7 last year in SEDiv. Down a fair amount from 2007, but ITA was down by a similar amount. And IT7 was still the 5th most popular class in SARRC (behind SM, SRF, ITS and ITA) for the second straight year. Numbers are slightly lower again this year - 59 through 12 races, but should get a boost from the VIR event last weekend.

Don't worry, there's still a good number of IT7s out there to play with. Come join us.
Great Lakes Division added IT-7 as a regional class for 2009. And of course its been part of the I.T.Fest since the beginning.
We have seven or eight regulars here in Midiv. I'd say the class is doing OK! Lots of fun and the ability to "double dip" in STU for some nationals.
Chris, if your procuring a car or building a new car why not give some serious thought to a Spec Miata which you could update to an ITA car. Options are good.

This message provided by an X Spec7, ITA7 guy. ;)
Yeah we're between SM and IT7 right now, planning on buildng. I know it's cheaper to just buy, but my partners want the full "experience" for some reason. I personally think SM is the way to go, just a matter of finding/acquiring a good donor for reasonable cash. Anybody know of any miata guys with a miatacage dot com cage installed? They look really nice and well thought out.