ISC Air Dam on 1st Gen


Super Moderator
Like the title says I am looking at attaching an ISC air dam and was curious to see what others have done. Any do's and don't would be greatly appreciated.

Thats what I did, except I was in a rush, (what else is new, LOL) so I used 4 philips screws with thrust washers and lock washers. The peice has "lips" if you will, which hook into the parking light opening, effectively registering and hiling the front in place. At the rear, it hooks around and into the wheel opening, which nearly holds it without fasteners at all. I found two per side into the fender did the trick.

Here's the installation from the front:

One Dzus fitting on each side will hold the lip in place in the wheel well. The lips in the front hold it up in the parking light opening. Some trimming to fit the openings and trimmimg the lip along the top of the bumper is normally needed. A Dremmel works well for trimming the fiberglass.