Issuing New Logbook


New member
I am preparing for a tech inspection for a new SCCA logbook in a few weeks.

My car is a former Waterford Hills car and has a Waterford Hills logbook.
It was last raced in 2004.

It does have a DOM cage. I have updated with the second passenger side door-bar, a dash-bar, new belts and a Firebottle system.

Are there any issues or areas I may have overlooked?

Do I need mt firesuit and helmet for the tech inspection?


Ya might want to download the attachment and check it twice.

On Edit: It did not work. How can I attach a .doc that is 608k?
kill switch (properly wired); seat brace; horizontal bar in main hoop going all the way accross; fuel test port;
working brake lights???

You do not need a dash bar or a fire system.

How about a transponder?

Suit and helmet are not necessary for a log book issuance inspection, but it is certainly OK to have the gear checked (along with socks and gloves).
fuel test port is a definite must have; not the transponder.

Make sure the window net is a drop down.

You will be fine and if anything comes up, I am sure Brett can help and I will run any errands that you might need to fetch something. Rich, the scrutineer, is a good guy, long time SCCA and really does want to see you on track but he is a stickler regarding the rules.

Thanks for the help guys.

Sounds like I've got everything in order.
I should be in pretty good shape.

Thanks again,
