IT-7 spec tire question


New member
Right now I'm under the impression that the spec tire for IT-7 is only for SARRC races. Is this correct? I was planning to run the ARRC, PRO-IT and ECR races on a non-spec tire. Anyone know for sure what the deal is here?
The spec tire is for all Southeast IT7 races SARRC, ECR and regionals. As for the Pro IT and ARRC races are up to Atlanta I guess. But I would thank Pro IT would be spec tires and The ARRC on any DOT tires with the other cars from outside the Southeast.
Originally posted by mazracer@Oct 12 2005, 03:42 AM
The spec tire is for all Southeast IT7 races SARRC, ECR and regionals. As for the Pro IT and ARRC races are up to Atlanta I guess. But I would thank Pro IT would be spec tires and The ARRC on any DOT tires with the other cars from outside the Southeast.

OK, I am frequently (and accurately) labeled as a smart-@$$, but I'm trying to ask this seriously;

Since the SIC has already happened, the "Goblins" race coming up at VIR in a couple of weeks is a 2006 SARRC event. However, the ECR and CCPS races count towards 2005 points. I am absolutely certain that the SARRC will enforce the spec tire rule. What about the ECR and CCPS???? :unsure:

(I probably won't use them, but I *DO* have a set of Hoosiers that I could potentially run in the ECR)
The last bit of information I got from the ARRC chairpeople is any DOT tire will go for the ARRC race. That is for all classes except for SM. Russ call fletcher to find out about PRO-IT.