can save big $$$$

You think we're bad?? You should check out the Prod or Miata forums!! :lol:

Hey, if we were smart and mature, we wouldn't be racing!!
Welcome back and BTW around here opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one and we don't take it personally if your's stinks.
I've met some of the nicest people and smartest racers I know via this board. I've had tons of great answers, learned a lot, and changed my mind about issues that I thought I understood.

Your loss if you can't sort the wheat from the chaff, dude. :)

I've met some of the nicest people and smartest racers I know via this board. I've had tons of great answers, learned a lot, and changed my mind about issues that I thought I understood.

Your loss if you can't sort the wheat from the chaff, dude. :)


I second Kirk...

I will add that I really love reading this site and seeing "different" points of view. To me the smartest people that I know are people who can look at all the views openly, and then determine thier view... and if you have a predetermined view you always need to be open to someone elses view being better. I think that most of the people on this site especially those that do debate are open to other views, and many times I have seen people change thier views based on debates on this site...

Jake, I am in the same boat as you and wondering if Rory wants me to be offended or not and now all I am trying to do is figure out what preempted Rory's post, and what we/I can learn from it.... other than rory thinks this site gives missleading information, which I would argue is not the case. If someone posts inaccurate information, a debate starts, and the readers should be able to come up with their own view if they are smart enough to do so.

Raymond "Do as I say, not as I do, especially when I pick fights and ask to get s--t on" Blethen

Interesting closed minded point...I come on here to get ideas and run them across different people...just like if I was at the track and had conversations with my fellow racers...people can be more bold and brash on a computer than in person...but thats the obviously dont get it...just take it for what it is!! and enjoy :birra: