IT7 minimum weight


New member
Is it possible for an 1985 car (with the big axles) and a sunroof to make minimum weight legally? This is with a 220 lb driver.

Min weight is 2380. Right now, I'm at about 2480, and the only legal thing left to remove is the tar on the floor boards. That's worth about 20-30 lbs. Maybe I'm interpreting the GCR too conservatively.

I hear about people needing 50 lb ballast to make weight, but I just don't see how they are getting there w/o breaking some rules or starting with a much lighter car.
I have, I think, an '84. I'm right around min., and I weigh 200 or so, plus gear.

Not sure exactly what to tell you, but I will say that I will add some tubes to the cage if I need to gain weight. (See below for why that might be...) I wouldn't say I was overly aggresive in my GCR reading, (full heater core and ducts, console, {seems lots of guys consider it a seperate peice from the dash, even tho' you need a saw to create that seperation!}), but I did find everything legal, I hope. No rear sway bar, one muffler, light race seat, etc. Still have the pass. seat, that still has to go!

I scraped a lot of my tar off, and IIRC, it was 40 or so pounds all totaled.

If I read between the lines correctly, I would hold off on getting too crazy unless you have spare time (what's that??) on your hands, as it seems like there is an ongoing discussion that involves the RX-7....maybe moving it down a class.

That's just from putting comments I've read here together....time will tell.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Are you still using the stock wiring harness including all the steering column pieces? Headlights and motors still in place?

I had not heard that Rx7's might get moved from ITA. Do you think that will affect IT7?

Originally posted by sevenracer:
Are you still using the stock wiring harness including all the steering column pieces? Headlights and motors still in place?

I hope he does, since it'd be illegal if he didn't.

I had not heard that Rx7's might get moved from ITA. Do you think that will affect IT7?

I wouldn't bet on a move from ITA too heavily. I would bet that IT7 would stick around even if the RX was moved to ITB or comp. adj. made it a little more competitive in A. Something about "spec" type classes that attract a lot of people.

BTW... 79/80 dashes are separate from the consoles... so not every RX w/o a console is cheating

It's not what you build...
it's how you build it
I run an 84 in ITA. I saved 30 or 40 lbs by installing a fuel cell...Don't know if that's legal in spec-7/IT-7/Pro-7 etc.

Where is the rumor about a change to ITB coming from? Except for the 7" vs 6" wheels issue, I like that idea!

Yup, although my headlights are kind of jerky going up and down. (Spare the wisecracks on that one, guys!)

All the wires are present, anything missing is attached to the part that was removed, at the connector. Still have sunroof, not a skin.

Well, it's just a wild concept about the move to B.

But....there are a lot of 7s stll running. And there is a real need to move the "Tweeners" from ITS to A, where they will fit right the front. Resulting in more disgruntled 7 drivers, who will push for more adoption of IT-7. Which I think National would prefer to avoid. So, what to do?

Well, read between the lines and you'll see that somebody has discovered some obscure part of the GCR that could be read in such a way as to allow moving a car to a new class and making it appropriate for that new class.

Add to the mix that IT has become awfully top heavy...ITC is a graveyard, and many new classifications are going into ITS and A. There needs to be a redistribution. Moving the 7 makes global sense. (And many others as well, but the 7 stands out due to it's numbers.) I think it would be fine (and could be made to be not too competitive) in B, but the wheel issue bothers me.

Right now, my car can lose 10 pounds without opening the toolbox....just need to swim some more laps!

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
***Resulting in more disgruntled 7 drivers, who will push for more adoption of IT-7. Which I think National would prefer to avoid.***

Jake, this is not a WACK at you. Just using using your sentence as a starting point.

Why would the BoD, CRB & or the ITAC prefer to avoid situations with the IT crowd. We are the SCCA's cash cow.

Have Fun

Originally posted by ddewhurst:
***Resulting in more disgruntled 7 drivers, who will push for more adoption of IT-7. Which I think National would prefer to avoid.***

Jake, this is not a WACK at you. Just using using your sentence as a starting point.

Why would the BoD, CRB & or the ITAC prefer to avoid situations with the IT crowd. We are the SCCA's cash cow.

Have Fun


Well, I'm just guessing here, but I tend to doubt that they want a zillion classes. I think you might hear comments like "enough is enough" or "Have to draw the line somewhere" and so on.

I think there are larger issues when we talk about the number of clsses, but I get the impression that they would prefer the 7 was classed in one of the 4 IT classes.

And if it were to have an honest fighting chance, I would agree.

(And I wouldn't think that an unwillingness to deal with it has anything to do with it)

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
***Posted by Jake***

***Well, I'm just guessing here, but I tend to doubt that they want a zillion classes. I think you might hear comments like "enough is enough" or "Have to draw the line somewhere" and so on.***

Jake, now you have hit a NERVE big time with a zillion classes remark. With transponders at the Regional level what impact does anyting have to do with THEY who ever the hell THEY are can go straight to you know where. If the race car owner/driver don't care if she/he has another car in class to race with what business is it if THEY don't want a zillion clases. In general these are not spectator races. No trophy is required & if the friken track is not at the SCCA limit let all classed cars all run. We who pays the bills need to start taking some ownership of what's going on rather than being told WE think this is best for you. I was told at entry time for last years Brat Bash at Mid Ohio that the Spec-7 legal CenDiv class is not being allowed to run classed as Spec-7 because of all the work that is involved for one car.
I paid my $325 the year before & ran as a one car class. I listen to their BS & told them that my $$$ would make the decision. As much as I love the track I was not allowed to enter as a Spec-7 car & I didn't enter as a IT7 car which I would be legal for but slow as DS.

Have Fun


ps: Lucy, please don't respond.
Originally posted by ddewhurst:
***Posted by Jake***


Have Fun


ps: Lucy, please don't respond.

Sorry to hit a nerve, my are still my friend..right?

you're right, a few schools of thought there...I happen to like larger multi marque classes, although I also like equality.

Anyway, Lucy might be quiet for a bit....

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]