Dick, I'm a straight shooter.
A. 17.1.4.d.9.c. & the last part of 17.1.4.d.9.f. is what I understand the modifications allowed. BUT, the words in .f. are "Other than to provide for installation of required safety equipment or other authorized modifications, no other driver/passenger compartment alterations or gutting are permitted."
How far may one alter/modify with the words "Other than to provide for installation of required safety equipment or other authorized modifications,"?
B. As I look at the 1990 Mazda Miata workshop manual under Body, Dashboard & Console pictures & identification the thin tube is not accounted for therefore I do not consider the thin tube to be part of the Dashboard.
C. I am a small town boy & way to straight to waste time setting someone up. BUT, several years ago Kurt of the CRB accused me of shit like setting the CRB up with some questions I had about Production roll cages. When I talk about the party & politics that's the kind of stuff I refer to. He & the CRB are always looking for who is trying to get one over on them. & I will presume with many written letters relative to Production that is the point of the letters. Gain something for one's car.
K, I have viewed many of the things you refer to as libertys.
Raymond, I will send a pm.
Thanks guys