Tell you what, ITA Racer (what's your name? Where are you located?), since I'm feeling *slightly* guilty for starting off our relationship rudely, and the new GCR will be available in a month, and I'm really looking forward to having the Neons to push around on the track (the smack-talk is starting already!) send me an email directly. I'll forward to you the PDF rules that deal with IT as well as all the 2004 Fastracks, giving you something to read over the next couple of nights and many potty breaks. Read it, then come back and ask us how and why SCCA does some of these goofy things.
By the way, the cardinal guideline in IT that you must keep in mind as you read these is "If they don'y say you can, then you cannot." We typically abbreviate that here as IIDSYCYC. What this means is if you're about to change, modify, or replace something, you must find in the rules where it says you can do it. If you cannot find it in there, DON'T DO IT. There's going to be some thing that you *expect* to be allowed, like alternate motor mounts, aftermarket crank pullies, and short shifters, but **BRACK**! Not allowed. READ IT CAREFULLY.
Finally, in 2005 SCCA is going to send a GCR to all members as part of the increased membership fee, *and* the GCR will be available online. Also note that SCCA posts rules updates throughout the year as part of its publication of the membership magazine, so it's imperative that you read and note these as you go long. So, your wishes are answered.
My email address is grega*at*pobox*dot*com. Email me and I'll send this stuff to you (multiple megabytes, by the way.)
As for you other b*****ds, go buy your own GCR.
[This message has been edited by GregAmy (edited November 27, 2004).]