ITB Prelude


New member
Does anyone think this car could be competitive, I mean it is a smaller version of the Accord motor,except it got dual sidedrafts instead of fuelinjected. Could it be make to work, it weighs a lot less than the accord did.
So, what year prelude are you talking about. There is quite a difference between generations. I have a 2nd generation prelude si (1987) that I am getting classified as we speak. It only has 110 hp, but it's all about the driver.
The Prelude could be a great car in ITB and the handling on that car was better and actually one of the best that Honda made, I think it will be a great ITB car but the only problem would be dealing with the carburetor. Note that the SI is not listed in ITB the only one listed is 83-87 1.8 model.
Again I think that would be the next Accord in ITB.
Louis B.

[This message has been edited by LTBMotorsports (edited November 20, 2002).]
With the weight, and compression that the Prelude gets, it could be competitive.

Only question is, where is the support for it? The car is getting a bit long in the tooth and I don't know of any of the majors are marketing any parts for it (besides what could come from the Accord or other Hondas).
gran racing,

I think that the '87 2.0si would be the idea car for ITB, but its not listed as of yet. When were your plans to get it listed? I have been considering the 1.8 carborated car, but the fuelinjected would be ideal. were u looking at getting it classed in ITB or ITA. I know the 92 S is already in ITA and a much better choice. Please let me know about your efforts to classify this car and when it might be done. Thanks.
The SCCA headquarters received the Spec (VTS) sheet in June. What a process! I have been bugging them about getting the car classified. Ken Brown told me that they would have it classified in their meeting tonight and I should know by Monday or Tuesday. I am hoping for ITB (it only has a small amount of horsepower and is heavier than the 1.8 model). If I am in ITA, it will be tough. We'll see.

As for obtaining parts. That is a whole different story. If you decide to use an 1987 prelude, contact DC sports for one of their headers. It took me ~ a year to convince them to make a batch of them. It cost me $354. The only springs I can find are sport springs (so far). I have contact every major supplier. I do have a lead with another company, but do not know what to tell them I am looking for. The conversation I had with the rep. was way over my head. I need an interpreter! I also have a Weapon R air intake system. Definately let me know if you decide to use a prelude - we could probably help each other out. I'll let you know which class the car is in as soon as I find out. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Dave
From past experience I can say for sure SCCA will put it in ITA they would fear that it will be another Accord in ITB ( as we all know for some reason SCCA have a problem with Honda ).

We need to stop beating these old cars to death. I have to bark once again that we need to move cars down into lower classes and NOT to keep the classes statis-quo. Mix 'em up every 5 years with new blood. Personally, I would not want to push myself to build a very out dated '87 'lude when we have so much current cool stuff to choose from. Pretty soon we will have classes like ITS-A, ITS-B, ITS-C and/or IT2. IMO forget the old 'lude and move on to a newer ride....
Hey, sounds great to me. I'll give you my address to drop the car off at my house. By the way, doesn't SCCA also have a vintage class? Believe me this isn't the car of my dreams, but it will get me on the track. Is it better for me to have a nice new car that is the fastest on the track for the one race I can afford because I spent all of my money on a nice new car, or be mid-pack for the 12 races I can now afford? I'll take the extra track time. By the way, I have seen plenty of "old" cars beat a lot of new cars. I would love to race a "very" old mustang, maybe '66, on the track. Sorry, I guess you hit a sore spot.
I agree with you in one respect, all the classes need to get new blood every now and then. Re-examining all of the classes every few years and, if warranted, moving the cars on the bottom performance tier of each class down should be something done regularly, at least every few years. It should start with a complete overhaul of the current classes.

I disagree on the age of the car being a problem, though. To me a car that would be too old for me to consider for IT would be from '68 to the early '70's, even though the Volvo guys seem to not have a problem with the fact that their 142's are early 70's vintage. Mid '80's cars like that Prelude are the perfect age - Technology is not -too- old, parts are still available from the manufacturer, and boneyards are full of donors for whatever you need. Most 70's models in the bonyards have long ago been crushed and are now holding soup in your cupboard. Get into the mid-90's models and costs for donors and parts, including the foundation car itself, start taking a real upward turn in price. But hey, this is IT anyway. Who's concerned with price and costs anyway. May the richest man win.

Not that my '86 Integra hasn't cost me already, and I still have lots of $$$ left to go before it's maxed out.

Richard Floyd
'86 Acura Integra LS #90
Good luck with getting the 2.0L Prelude classified in ITB. If you do, let me know and I can help with development and parts. The only negative with the 85-87 is that it is carberated.
Peter, I have actually been trying to get in touch with you. I met you at NHIS this year and you gave my your e-mail addresses. I must have copied them wrong because the e-mails I sent you got returned. I would definately be interested in speaking with you sometime. Dave
Peter, I have actually been trying to get in touch with you. I met you at NHIS this year and you gave my your e-mail addresses. I must have copied them wrong because the e-mails I sent you got returned. I would definately be interested in speaking with you sometime. Dave (sorry for the double post...) Peter, my e-mail is [email protected]

[This message has been edited by gran racing (edited November 24, 2002).]
golf racer, I just heard from SCCA head quarters. They discussed the classification of my car, but had questions about the weight. Now I have to wait till January! (I am so anxious! It was submitted in June) I'll let you know though...
golf racer, I just heard from SCCA head quarters. They discussed the classification of my car, but had questions about the weight. Now I have to wait till January! (I am so anxious! It was submitted in June) I'll let you know though...
OK, an ITB Prelude question:

Are there currently any '84-'87 Preludes in IT in the eastern US? I was under the impression that there are already some guys out there running them, maybe I was wrong. What about the '88-'91 Si's in ITS? Any one running one of those?

The reason I ask is because none showed this year for the Honda Challenge series, they (the 'ITB Prelude) got dropped from the H5 class - I noticed this and mentioned it to our rules folks, I just wondered if there were even any of these cars out there. If there are, I'm hoping to maybe get them to an ECHC event or two.

gran racing - FWIW, I mentioned to the rules guy the car that you are currently trying to get classed in ITB and your car would be a perfect fit for H5 - virtually identical to my H5 '86 Integra in specs, and your weight would probably be the same as mine (2500 lbs wet, w/ driver) for ECHC comp. Where are you located? If you're in the eastern half, you ought to try to make it to an ECHC weekend and check us out.

see for all the details

Richard Floyd
'86 Acura Integra LS #90