Super Moderator
Well, this is a member driven club, so it's time to make your voice count.
Last night, Andy and I were on the ITAC con call, and it was a long one...5 hours! Interesting discussions, not the least of which was the ITR proposal.
We polled the ITAC, and got unanimous support among those that were on the call. Three CRB members were there as well. They were: Stan Clayton, from the SF Region, who races an ITC Datsun 510 and some formula things, () Bob Dowie, from southern upper New York state who is the assistant head honcho and races GTL, (But said if IT were around when he started he would be an IT guy instead!) and Peter Keane, of the Daytona (ex New Englander) area who races an ITB Honda. If you are in their area, search out them and give them your thoughts. They have been very supportive, and open, and they are, I think, all advocates of the concept. (3 down, 4 to go!)
Also, if you can get a chance to discuss the matter with a BoD guy, by all means take the time to bend their ear. Lot's of BoD guys are often at races working or driving. The Chairman, Bob Introne, is a NER guy, and can be found Stewarding races regularly.
Talk it up at the races. This is big...not everyone is chained to a computer. I don't want to get letters next January saying "WTF are you guys thinking???Where did THIS COME from!", LOL. See what other racers think..non IT guys too.
Finally, write down your thoughts and shoot the CRB and BoD an email. Mention why you like or don't like the idea, or what the class should or shouldn't be, if you like. (Faster? Slower? National? Regional? New cars? Safer? whatever...just write!)
For the record, the Proposal was submitted (AFAIK) in the same form that it was published here.
Now's the time to make your voice known!
(I added a poll for giggles!!!)
Last night, Andy and I were on the ITAC con call, and it was a long one...5 hours! Interesting discussions, not the least of which was the ITR proposal.
We polled the ITAC, and got unanimous support among those that were on the call. Three CRB members were there as well. They were: Stan Clayton, from the SF Region, who races an ITC Datsun 510 and some formula things, () Bob Dowie, from southern upper New York state who is the assistant head honcho and races GTL, (But said if IT were around when he started he would be an IT guy instead!) and Peter Keane, of the Daytona (ex New Englander) area who races an ITB Honda. If you are in their area, search out them and give them your thoughts. They have been very supportive, and open, and they are, I think, all advocates of the concept. (3 down, 4 to go!)
Also, if you can get a chance to discuss the matter with a BoD guy, by all means take the time to bend their ear. Lot's of BoD guys are often at races working or driving. The Chairman, Bob Introne, is a NER guy, and can be found Stewarding races regularly.
Talk it up at the races. This is big...not everyone is chained to a computer. I don't want to get letters next January saying "WTF are you guys thinking???Where did THIS COME from!", LOL. See what other racers think..non IT guys too.
Finally, write down your thoughts and shoot the CRB and BoD an email. Mention why you like or don't like the idea, or what the class should or shouldn't be, if you like. (Faster? Slower? National? Regional? New cars? Safer? whatever...just write!)
For the record, the Proposal was submitted (AFAIK) in the same form that it was published here.
Now's the time to make your voice known!
(I added a poll for giggles!!!)